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Two Exotic Asian Tourist Destinations You Are Going To Love

For any European or American, far away continents will always represent a mysterious attraction, a place one will always dream to visit. And if life gives you the chance to visit Asia, and you are also a person looking for Asian landmarks, make sure to include the following two destinations on your itinerary. by  Bjørn Christian Tørrissen 1. Angkor is considered to be the most fascinating archaeological site in Asia. Around the ruins of the Khmer Empire, capital authorities have created an entire archaeological park where tourists are able to get in contact with the Asian culture from the 9th to the 15th century. The masterpiece and the point that attracts most of the tourists is the worldwide known Temple of Angkor Wat. The site has such an important cultural and historical significance that UNESCO has developed many programs, in order to preserve and secure it. The Archaeological Park, which covers 400 square kilometers / 155 square miles, offers the tourists the possibility