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Showing posts with the label South Korea

Fireworks Displays Around the World That Are Worth Traveling to See

Fireworks are often used to punctuate and enhance times of celebration such as holidays and special events. For many they are an annual tradition, used to celebrate independence or the start of a new calendar year. But there's no doubt that some locales do it up right with massive displays that draw crowds by the millions. Here are just a few festivals of lights that have garnered global acclaim with their ability to light up the skies. 1. Disneyland - Anaheim, California. Okay, so Disneyland may not have the biggest or best fireworks display in the world, but for those looking to enjoy lights in the sky year round, every night delivers at the happiest place on Earth. And with the holidays coming, you're bound to enjoy seasonal themes both around the park and via the fireworks display - as if you needed a reason to go to the world's most popular theme park. 2. New Year's Eve - Sydney, Australia. Nearly every major city in the world employs fireworks to celebra

Top 10 Foods to Try in South Korea

Kimbap   Some rights reserved  by  gamene If you find yourself lucky enough to travel to South Korea, the next challenge is to try as many of the dishes as possible. With limited time and only so much your stomach can handle, it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly which dishes to eat. It’s hard to narrow down the list to a few items, but the following are the top 10 Korean dishes that must be tried while in South Korea: 1. Kimchi When it comes to Korean cuisine, the first thing that comes to mind is kimchi. This fermented dish is made of napa cabbage, radish, and other vegetables, along with a variety of seasonings. A common sight at Korean tables, kimchi is both eaten on its own and combined with a variety of other dishes. 2. Ddeokbokki (Spicy Rice Cake)  This dish is most commonly seen in street vendors around South Korea, and is made from cooking rice cakes in a spicy sauce. A variety of other ingredients can also be added to this dish, ranging from sliced fish cake

6 Bizarre Foods in Asia

Asia; home to fascinating culture, centuries old history and some downright bizarre foods! A wander through any market, side street or local butchers practically anywhere in Asia soon throws up an intriguing assortment of dishes ready to be sampled. Question is, how brave are you? Read on to whet your appetite. Durian; you’ll smell it long before you set eyes on it! It’s described as smelling akin to rotting flesh but don’t let that put you off, everyone should try it at least once in their life. The durian fruit is large, about the size and shape of a rugby ball with sharp spiky skin. Street side market sellers prepare and sell it across Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Don’t expect to find it on your hotel menu (or try to take one in to your hotel) as it’s forbidden. And for a neat (if slightly mean trick) take some durians sweets home with you for your kids or colleagues!                                           Durian - King of Fruits I