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Showing posts with the label Tel Aviv

Keep Your Cool: Staying Cool this August in Israel

I remember the first time I visited Tel Aviv in the summer. Walking out of the airport feeling like I just stepped into a steam room with my clothes sticking to my body and sweat already dripping down the side of my temples- it was awful. This was not the Middle Eastern chic I was accustomed to. I looked around at the Israelis around me wondering how and why they were wearing jeans in 100+ degree weather. This was the summer of 2006, when I was on my Birthright Israel trip . Since then I’ve learned a few tricks about how to keep my cool when visiting the Middle East in the dead of summer, and want to share a few with you here: 1. I Scream - Satisfy that sweet tooth and keep your cool? Sign me up. Israel is a frozen yogurt lover’s dream- on any given street you’ll find a fresh fruit stand making fro-yo, smoothies or serving up ice cream. If you’re in a rush- grab a Magnum ice cream from a local corner store. The vanilla on vanilla crunch happens to be my fave. Go ahead, indulge.