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Showing posts with the label Top Places on Earth

Top 5 Beaches of the World Which you Should Not Miss!

The world is diversified in tourist attractions ranging from parks to coastal beaches. Beaches form a wonderful tourist attraction in the world today and they give amazing views to visitors. However, there are five great beaches you must visit in the world. These are top tourist destinations and if everyone is given the chance, there is no room for hesitation.        Anse source beach by  Olivier Cochard-Labbé The top beach on earth is the Anse source beach. This breathtaking beach is found in Seychelles and is a paradise on the globe. The stunning beach is a blend of calm waters, white sand and rocks capped with greenery. The beach is just amazing and if given the chance you will not miss the point of visiting it. There are many beaches in Seychelles but this beach really catches a substantial number of tourists. It is among the best on earth and if you are given the chance, you cannot miss visiting it.    The pink beach The pink beach is another must visit if y

Top 15 Attractions That You Can Enjoy For Free

There are so many attractions come at a hefty price point that you may wonder if there’s any point in traveling at all anymore. Not so, really –the real stuff, the real beauty and flavor of any place is actually still free – if you know where to look for it. Never mind, we’ve done your homework for you. 1. Smithsonian, Washington Dc If you’re looking for the rarest object or painting, you’ll find it at the Smithsonian. After all, on last count, this grand museum has a collection of 136 million items, apart from several historical and architectural monuments. 2. St. Peter's Basilica The famous Basilica of St. Peter is dominated by its huge dome, the inside of which has been forever immortalized by the famous Michelangelo. The huge church is fronted by a large bisected courtyard manned by huge colonnades. You’ll find outstanding works by Bernini, Michelangelo and other greats here. 3. National Gallery (London) This grand museum houses more than 2,300 painti