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Showing posts with the label Valle Perdido Chardonnay

Wines to match spicy Asian dishes

Finding the right wine to accompany a spicy dish can be quite tricky. Get it wrong and your more heat-sensitive diners won't thank you for it- heavily oaked wines or those with a high tannin level can are certainly best avoided, as they can add to the heat rather than provide a cooling contrast. On the other hand, you don't want to serve a wine that will be completely overpowered by the strong flavors of the food. However, get the pairing right and a good wine choice can make a pleasant meal into something really special. There are plenty of wonderful (and reasonably priced) wines that go beautifully with richly spiced Asian dishes. With a little help you should be able to get all the information you need from the label on the back of the bottle, but here are a few suggestions to get you started: 1. Vegetable samosas and Dr Loosen Riesling A good veggie samosa is a masterpiece of spices and flavors, wrapped in just enough pastry to deliver a satisfying crunch. A Riesl