Studying abroad can be an exciting, educational, and positively enlightening experience. Most students who go through study abroad programs in their college careers rank them among the greatest times in their academic years, and this exposure to education in foreign cultures is not something to miss out on. Yet it can be overwhelming to prepare for these excursions. It's easy to get caught up in all the excitement and forget what is really important. Prepare in advance so that you can minimize stress, pack intelligently and economically, and make sure not to forget the essentials in favor of unnecessary items. Remember that you're not moving forever. You're going to be coming back home in just a few months or less, so don't try to pack your entire life into a suitcase. Bring the essentials. You're obviously going to need clothes, and since you're moving for an academic program you're going to need your books. A laptop computer may not be absolutely nece
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