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Total lunar eclipse - DISCOVER the blood red side of the moon!

PAGASA said the eclipse will begin at 1:23 a.m. and end at 7:02 a.m. Thursday.

Head outside to watch one of the rarest and most breathtaking celestial events of the century.

The longest and darkest total lunar eclipse of the century is all set to wow you with its jaw-dropping splendour.

Clear skies permitting, Filipinos can witness a total lunar eclipse starting early Thursday morning, the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said.

"Lunar eclipses are safe to watch and observers need not use any kind of protective filters in the eyes. A pair
of binocular will help magnify the view and will make the red coloration of the Moon brighter," acting administrator Nathaniel Servando said.

In Manila, the moon will rise at 6:03 p.m. Wednesday and will set at 5:38 a.m. Thursday.

The entire event will be seen from the eastern half of Africa, the Middle East, central Asia and western Australia.

But observers throughout Europe will miss the early stages of the eclipse because they occur before moonrise.

Fortunately, totality will be seen throughout the continent except for northern Scotland and northern Scandinavia, PAGASA said.

On the other hand, Eastern Asia, eastern Australia, and New Zealand will miss the last stages of eclipse because they occur after moonset.

Even observers in eastern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina will witness totality.

"However, none of the eclipse will be visible from North America. At mid-eclipse, the Moon is near the zenith for observers from Reunion and Mauritius," PAGASA said. — RSJ/KBK, GMA News

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