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How to Keep Your Immune System Strong When You Travel

Travelling is always an exciting experience, but it can be dangerous as well. Many travelers find themselves sitting in cramped airplane cabinets, breathing recycled air and spending hours in close quarters with possibly sick passengers. Destinations may be breeding grounds for germs that are relatively harmless to locals, while newcomers find themselves fighting off illness due to a lack of conditioned immunity. This shouldn't scare anyone away from the many joys of travel. Indeed, the experiences found far away from home can be the most memorable and precious. However, it is vital to your health to maintain a strong immune system while you travel.

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Try to incorporate foods rich in probiotics into your daily diet to build up immune defenses even before travelling is a consideration. Fermented foods and cultured dairy can be excellent additions to your diet. Be sure to take in lots of fiber and consume foods that are easy on the digestive system. Dense, overly processed foods should be avoided as much as possible. Stay active to keep good circulation throughout the body, and you'll be off to a healthy start.

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Load up on vitamin C. The positive effects of this essential vitamin have been known to us for years, and it is possibly the most common and reputable immune booster still. Get into the habit of eating plenty of fruit and drinking lots of vitamin rich juices. A solid vitamin C intake is part of the foundation for a healthy immune system for your entire life. Commercially available vitamin rich drink mixes also work well for many. Emergen-C is packed with vitamin C
as well as B6 and B12 to keep your energy up. Lazy bodies are more prone to illness. Airborne, another popular dietary supplement and immune strengthener, contains a varied blend of vitamins, nutrients, herbal extracts and antioxidants. You may want to consult with your doctor before trying these strong supplements, but many swear by them.

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Avoid caffeine. Dehydration is one of the many potential health hazards of flying. A dehydrated body will be weaker, and its natural defenses against harmful germs will more easily fail. Coffee and other caffeinated drinks have a well known dehydrating effect on the body which can make you more susceptible to illness, aside from causing jitters and restlessness. Avoid sipping coffee before, during, and after your flight.

Be sure to get enough rest. The benefits of a well rested body are too numerous to list. Many people have trouble sleeping in those uncomfortable airline seats, and jet-lag can easily throw off the traveler's sleep schedule. Allowing yourself time to sleep is essential to physical as well as mental health. All the masters of health administration have known this for years. Let the body rest and recover to keep it strong.

Travel safe, and travel healthy as well to make the most of your time away from home. Nothing can ruin a vacation or business trip like a sickness can, so maintain a healthy diet, treat your body to immune-boosting vitamins, take it easy on the caffeine, and make sure to get enough sleep. Enjoy your next trip confidently and in good health.

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