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5 Ways to Save Money on Travel Insurance

When you're traveling, there are a lot of important things for which you're responsible. Taking a trip and going to see a new part of the world is always an exciting thing and can definitely be one of the most memorable experiences in your lifetime. Any traveler will tell you, however, that there are also a lot of moving parts that come with taking a trip to a new country, and there are a lot of expenses that come along with such an experience, as well. One of the things that travelers often find themselves considering is travel insurance. There are plenty of ways that an individual can wind up incurring some serious costs while on vacation, and travel insurance is often designed to protect you from having to take a serious financial hit if this winds up being the case. We'll talk about five ways that you can make sure you're not spending money that you don't really need to spend when it comes to travel insurance. With these strategies in mind, you can make sure you're saving a bit of money and enjoying your vacation that much more in the process.

Travel Insurance, Travel Guide, Ontario, Canada

1. Don't Use Booking Websites to Opt In for Insurance. If you're a fan of using the Internet to book your travel arrangements, you probably use a service like Orbitz or something similar. Many of these great websites help travelers save a lot of money on their transportation arrangements, but they almost always give you an option to opt in for some travel insurance. Avoid this at all costs. It's going to cost you a lot more money than you'd wind up spending if you used a comparison engine to find the best insurance options for you and your trip.

2. Don't Insure Refundable Costs. There are plenty of costs that come with travel upon which you can get a complete refund. Your airfare, for example, will almost definitely be compensated in some way should something
go wrong with your flight. You don't need to insure costs that are refundable when it comes to your travel insurance. Only get coverage on costs that are non-refundable so that you can avoid an unnecessarily high premium.

3. Don't Go for Broke with Evacuation Coverage. A lot of travel insurance will include emergency evacuation coverage, sometimes in the multi-million dollar range. You don't need this much; avoid covering yourself for this much money because it'll only see you paying a lot more in terms of your premiums. If you really want to make sure you have emergency evacuation coverage, keep it around $250,000 to $500,000.

4. Avoid Car Rental Insurance. Unless you seriously think you're going to need it, you can probably avoid car rental insurance. In fact, a lot of drivers have auto insurance plans back home that will cover rental cars, should anything happen.

5. Avoid the Option to Cancel for Any Reason. This is usually an upgrade option that will seriously raise your costs in exchange for giving you the option to cancel for any reason. You don't have to be an Ontario services expert, however, to know that most policies give you the option to cancel for a number of very decent reasons already. Read everything thoroughly to make sure you're getting the best possible deal on your travel insurance.

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